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Yonaguni Island

Yonaguni island is a part of Okinawa and the westernmost point of Japan, which is 1 hour plane-ride away from Okinawa mainland.

​What makes Yonaguni so famous are, of course, diving. There are two main points of interest there. 

​First, although diving is great there all year around, schools of hammerhead sharks are showing up during the winter time. They are absolutely awesome creatures to see, and if you see a school of 100 or even bigger, which happens often, it will be a moment of your lifetime.

The season for the hammerhead sharks is from January to March and divers come from all over the world during that period.

And there is another thing, which attracts divers even more than the sharks, is the underwater ruin, "Iseki".

At the southern tip of Yonaguni island, there is a huge castle-like structure and it is still the argument if it is manmade or naturally made. Either way, this 100mtrs-long structure is absolutely breathtaking. It has what we call "Main terrace", "Couple rocks", "Gate", "Drain", "Turtle Monument", etc, and if you are a diver, you would like to see it with your own eyes.

Attractions : ​Hammerhead sharks, tuna, giant trevally, napoleon wrasse, barracuda, white tip reef sharks and other kind of sharks, green turtle, etc.


Depth : 10~30mtrs/30~100ft

Visibility : 20~40mtrs+

REQUIRED LEVEL : Advanced with 80 dives. All the dives are drift diving.

The sea often get rough at Yonaguni island during the winter time. Also the current can be strong. When we dive Irizaki to see hammerhead sharks, it is a blue water diving and the bottom is 70-100mtrs so the buoyancy control is critical. ​

Our main purpose of diving in Yonaguni is to see hammerhead sharks so we mainly dive Irizaki to see the sharks. Other than that, we go to "Iseki" which means "ruin" in Japanese, for the underwater ruin, and a few other sites.

<Time schedule for the 4nights-11dives trip>


0720 - Departure for Yonaguni from Naha, Okinawa mainland

0830 - Arrival at Yonaguni and get ready for the dives

1000 - 1st dive

1200 - 2nd dive

1330 - Lunch

1500 - 3rd dive

1800 - Check in at the hotel

1830 - Dinner

Day2 & 3

0730 - Breakfast

0900 - 1st dive

1100 - 2nd dive

1230 - Lunch 

1430 - 3rd dive

1830 - Dinner


0730 - Breakfast

0900 - 1st dive

1100 - 2nd dive

1230 - Lunch, wash gears, and free time. We might go to the island tour.

1830 - Dinner


0730 - Breakfast, and free time

1145 - Leave Yonaguni

1300 - Back to Naha


* The boat ride to the dive sites is only 5-10minutes from the port. We will come back to the port every after diving and spend intervals there.

** The schedule above is just for reference so there will be changes.

Price : ¥149,000(the 2018 trips) for the 4nights-11dives trip. This includes

・Round flight tickets between Naha and Yonaguni

・Diving fee(11dives) and boat fee

・Accommodation in  Yonaguni including 3 meals a day

*** Rental equipment is NOT included in the price except for tanks and weights.

​For reference, here is the page for our upcoming trip to Yonaguni.


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